Type of Sedation We Offer Here at Mark Dreyer, DMD

There are thousands, perhaps millions of people around the world that all have one thing in common; fear of the dentist. Also known as Dentophobia, it is an extreme fear of visiting the dentist. While many individuals try to put off their visits to the dentist for whatever reasons (busy schedule, in between insurance companies,…

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What Makes Us Different

Going to the dentist seems to be that one appointment that no one really likes making. It is almost more of a chore to sit in that chair and have someone poke around the inside of your mouth. At the offices of Mark Dreyer, DMD, however, the experience is considered a relaxing spa treatment than…

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We Offer Pain Free Root Canals

Dentophobia, also known as dental anxiety, dental fear, and odontophobia, can all translate to having an powerful fear of visiting the dentist. People who suffer from dentophobia typically have had a traumatic dental experience in the past. However, you do not have to have gone through a scarring understanding to fear having a part of…

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What Is A Periodontist?

A periodontist is a dentist, or dental professional, who has gone through an additional three years of education beyond standard dental schooling, to specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of gum disease. In addition, they are able to perform a broad range of treatments, both cosmetic and restorative, including scaling and root planing, in…

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Root Canals: Why You May Need One

Having any sort of tooth pain not only hurts, but can be annoying as well. Most of the time we ignore the pain until it goes away, however, this is your body’s way of telling you that something is not quite right. When this happens we need to listen to the signs and symptoms and…

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